Three boys, a dog and a stay-at-home mom...delicious hilarity ensues, right?!?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beware the Lader!

My big boy *loves* him some Star Wars.  Honestly, I never knew a 3-year-old could be so into a sci-fi story with such goofy characters!  But then his daddy's a huge Jedi-wannabe and I was into the Muppets in a huge way so I guess it shouldn't have been too much of a surprise, hm?  He loves Star Wars so much that *I* love it . . . just 'cause he does.  Loving things because he does is one of the tons of reasons I love being a mom.  I watch the excitement and anticipation grow on his face as Princess Leia tries to quietly rescue Han without waking Jaba and I giggle.  He's totally infatuated.  And therefore, no matter how dorky I thought it was when I was little, I am too.

I feed his intense and enormous imagination for everything he's interested in every chance I get.  Star Wars according to Sam always leads to entertaining moments for the hubs and I, in particular his impersonation of Darth Vader, or, as translated in his toddler-speak, "Dar Lader."  Last month, he put on his sports-themed rain boots and then dumped all of his matchbox cars out of his green sand bucket in order to wear it as a helmet on his head.  As he stomped around the living room, Episode VI playing in the background, I suggested he wear a cape just like his hero.  I grabbed his navy blue blanket and clipped it around his shoulders with a clip I stole from the refrigerator door.  He was thrilled!  And completely serious.  He "koo...kee...koo...kee'd" around the house, stomping his boots and peeking very solemnly under the bucket to keep himself from falling or running in to walls. 


I hope his imagination continues to grow and I hope he always has fun pretending.  I kinda can't wait to see him teach his little brother how to pretend.  Hopefully, for the sake of his sanity, Max turns out to be a huge Star Wars fan too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't forget that he also likes to admire his get up in any reflective surface he finds.

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