Three boys, a dog and a stay-at-home mom...delicious hilarity ensues, right?!?

Monday, March 21, 2011

aaaaaaAAAAAND We're Back!!

Wow, has it really been that long since my last post?  Yikes!  Here's me, jumping back on the blogging horse!

We've been busy around here in the last month with some highlights including:
~Granny and Furry Grandpa came to visit the boys and spent a wonderfully long and relaxing weekend at our house.  

~The Hubs and I celebrated our first official date to a 10th grade dance we went to waaaaay back on March 11, 1993, eighteen years ago!  Okay, so maybe "celebrated" is too strong of a verb . . . more like reminisced  . . . right before I went to bed.  Hot, huh?  :)

~Maxie-Pie turned 8 months old and celebrated his first St. Patrick's Day.  One of the two cutest little Irish boys I know!

~Our little family drove to visit all the grandparents and half of the boys' cousins in NY for a nice long weekend and ate our weight in corned beef, cabbage and cupcakes with green frosting!  Granny's an amazing cook!

But when I went to look through all the pictures I'd taken of these gloriously warm moments in our wonderful life, I found only these:

The Hubs mowing/mulching the lawn, getting the yard ready for his parents' visit!

And my Sam, always ready and anxious to help his Daddy, whatever the job.

With Rosie's help, of course.  (Someone's got to protect the family from the evil lawn mower.)

The boys, hard at work.

Watching and learning.

One of these years he'll probably hate that this is his job!
Several times in the past month, I did find myself thinking that I should grab the camera to take a picture.  But in trying my best to keep this blog up and active, I've discovered that sometimes life is just so much more fun when you're living presently in it, not watching it through a lens.

Before you call me on the above as bs, here's some cute shots of the boys at the park today!
Choosing the right tool for the job.
The closest thing to a smile he would give and I could catch.
Sticks are great tools too!
Making the road smooth.
This is what happened on our long three block walk home.
One second he's kicking his brother and pulling on the straps and the next?
Out.  Still holding on to the strap though.  Stinker.
And now they're napping.  And Rosie's napping.  And I'm debating whether to tackle the laundry or vacuum the floors.  Maybe I'll let Dr. Phil followed by Oprah decide for me.  

This is a great life.

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