Three boys, a dog and a stay-at-home mom...delicious hilarity ensues, right?!?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The boys and I babysat Aidan for Michelle and Tom yesterday morning while they went to have a sonogram done of their tiny peanut!  By the second half hour and with two episodes of Barney having been watched, Aidan seemed to be enjoying himself!  Once his mama got back we tried our hardest to figure out what to do with our little men since we're sick of being indoors and it's still so SO cold out!  Aunt Mich suggested going to Five Below where they have all kinds of toys for $5 or less.  Sam heard the word "TOYS!" and well, needless to say our decision on where to go and what to do was made for us.

At the store, Sam picked up one toy after another, thinking carefully about each one before telling me, "Let's keep looking," and off he'd go to inspect the next one that caught his eye.  After about twenty minutes, he'd found the perfect one.  A Robot Arm, or as Sam calls it, "A Pincher."  Behold, the toy he turned down a Darth Vader lunchbox, a battery-operated pewer, and countless balls of all shapes and sizes for:

Grabbin' stuff.
Better watch out!

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